
【导读】 [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题]a.DoyoumindifIsmokehere?b.___________________[A]Well,I’dratheryoudidn’t.[B]Yes,pleasedoit.[C]Ofcourse,youcan’t.[D]No,Idon’tsmoke.参考答案:查看答案[陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学


  1. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] a. Do you mind if I smoke here? b. ___________________
    [A] Well, I’d rather you didn’t.
    [B] Yes, please do it.
    [C] Of course, you can’t.
    [D] No, I don’t smoke.
  2. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] a. Mr. Baker is out now. May I take a message for him? b. ___________________
    [A] What’s your name?
    [B] Thank you, I’ll call him later.
    [C] No, you can’t.
    [D] Yes, I think you can.
  3. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] a. I had a really good holiday at my aunt’s. b. ____________.
    [A] Oh, that’s very nice of you
    [B] Congratulations
    [C] It’s my pleasure
    [D] Oh, I’m glad to hear that
  4. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] a. Would you like to go out with us for dinner this evening? b. ___________________.
    [A] No, I already have plans
    [B] Thanks a lot but I’m busy tonight
    [C] No, I really don’t like eating out
    [D] I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out for dinner
  5. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] a. ___________________ b. Yes, can you tell me where I can find women’s shoes?
    [A] Do you want to buy something?
    [B] Excuse me, what are you doing?
    [C] Are you just looking around?
    [D] Is there anything I can do for you?
  6. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] What is the purpose of the talk?
    [A] To explain a new requirement for graduation.
    [B] To interest students in a new community program.
    [C] To discuss the problems of elementary school students.
    [D] To recruit elementary school teachers for a special program.
  7. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] What is the purpose of the program described by the speaker?
    [A] To find jobs for graduating students.
    [B] To help education majors prepare for final exams.
    [C] To offer tutorials to elementary school students.
    [D] To provide funding for a community service project.
  8. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] What does Professor Dodge do?
    [A] He advises students to participate in the special program.
    [B] He teaches part-time in an elementary school.
    [C] He observes elementary school students in the classroom.
    [D] He helps students prepare their resumes.
  9. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] What should students interested in the tutorials do?
    [A] Contact the elementary school.
    [B] Sign up for a special class.
    [C] Submit a resume to the dean.
    [D] Talk to Professor Dodge.
  10. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] Whom do you think the speaker addresses?
    [A] Teachers.
    [B] Students.
    [C] Freshman.
    [D] Graduating students of the university.
  11. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] What is the topic in the passage?
    [A] How to do exercises daily.
    [B] How to lose weight easily.
    [C] How to work comfortably.
    [D] How to eat and drink regularly.
  12. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
    [A] Thin people sit fewer hours daily than heavy people.
    [B] People deliver messages to their colleagues in person.
    [C] More people walk around when they talk on the phone.
    [D] Heavy people make longer phone calls than thin people,
  13. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] What does the writer mean by “face time” in Paragraph 3?
    [A] Time for getting to know each other.
    [B] Time for sharing ideas face to face.
    [C] Time for doing small jobs.
    [D] Time for delivering daily messages face to face
  14. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] Which of the following has the most calories?
    [A] Strawberry daiquiri.
    [B] Regular beer.
    [C] Margarita.
    [D] Wine.
  15. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] Which of the following statements will be supported by the writer of this passage?
    [A] Only a diet with a hard-exercise can get you lose weight.
    [B] You shouldn’t drink beer or wine when you want to lose weight.
    [C] Losing weight is not difficult if you can balance calories in tiny ways.
    [D] You can’t lose weight if you don’t get enough exercise in your spare time.
  16. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] Those students have got the same problem _____ Mary’s.
    [A] to
    [B] with
    [C] as
    [D] like
  17. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] The two candidates disagreed and a _____ argument developed.
    [A] hard
    [B] bitter
    [C] sour
    [D] big
  18. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] It’s worth _____ to your financial advisor before making your final decision.
    [A] to talk
    [B] talking
    [C] talk
    [D] talked
  19. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] Jane, what did you do to my room? I have never seen such a _____ and disorder!
    [A] mass
    [B] mess
    [C] dirty
    [D] loss
  20. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(三)》复习题] What’s the language _____ in Germany?
    [A] speaking
    [B] spoken
    [C] be spoken
    [D] to speak




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