
【导读】 [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题]Whyarelawyersalluneasysleepers?Becausetheyliefirstononesideandthenontheother,andremainwidewakeallthetime.[A]Pun[B]Anticlimax[C]RhetoricalQuestion[D]Understat


  1. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] Why are lawyers all uneasy sleepers? Because they lie first on one side and then on the other, and remain wide wake all the time.
    [A] Pun
    [B] Anticlimax
    [C] Rhetorical Question
    [D] Understatement
  2. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday they prey on you.
    [A] Antithesis
    [B] Parallelism
    [C] Alliteration
    [D] Pun
  3. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] Polly, I love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars and the constellation of out space.
    [A] Pun
    [B] Hyperbole
    [C] Climax
    [D] Understatement
  4. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] Then Night, like some great loving mother, gently lays her hand at our fevered head, and turns our little tear-stained face up to hers, and smiles.
    [A] Metaphor
    [B] Hyperbole
    [C] Simile
    [D] Personification
  5. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] Miss Bolo went straight home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair.
    [A] Metaphor
    [B] Hyperbole
    [C] Simile
    [D] Syllepsis
  6. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] A drop of ink may make a million think.
    [A] Pun
    [B] Antithesis
    [C] Alliteration
    [D] Metonymy
  7. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth, stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year!
    [A] Metaphor
    [B] Hyperbole
    [C] Simile
    [D] Personification
  8. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] She did experiments after experiments. There was failure, success, more failure, a little success, a little more success.
    [A] Metonymy
    [B] Climax
    [C] Hyperbole
    [D] Repetition
  9. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] Why are lawyers all uneasy sleepers? Because they lie first on one side and then on the other, and remain wide wake all the time.
    [A] Pun
    [B] Anticlimax     
    [C] Rhetorical Question
    [D] Understatement
  10. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] The mother is undergoing the joyful pain, and the painful joy of childbirth.
    [A] Hyperbole
    [B] Antithesis
    [C] Oxymoron
    [D] Metonymy
  11. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] He was such a marvelous teacher that whenever he recognized a spark of genius you could be sure he’d water it.
    [A] Metaphor
    [B] Understatement
    [C] Irony
    [D] Paradox
  12. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion.
    [A] Metaphor
    [B] Hyperbole
    [C] Simile
    [D] Personification
  13. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] Penny wise, pound foolish.
    [A] Parallelism
    [B] Antithesis
    [C] Alliteration
    [D] Metaphor
  14. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
    [A] Metaphor   
    [B] Hyperbole
    [C] Simile
    [D] Personification
  15. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语修辞》复习题] These little thoughts are the rustles of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind.
    [A] Metaphor
    [B] Hyperbole
    [C] Simile
    [D] Personification




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